How to Pick the Perfect Steak

If you are planning a BBQ gathering this weekend and want to pick the perfect steaks, keep in mind the following tips:

1. Look at each steak carefully. If you like your steak to be tender and juicy, look for lots of marbling (little white flecks) in the meaty part. Such flecks will melt away during the grilling process, which add to the flavour of the meat. Also, you want the thickness to be even. If it is thinner or thicker in some parts, it will be cooked unevenly). If you are getting more than one steak, buy cuts that are exactly or the same size so they are cooked at about the same time. 

2.  Buy thick steaks. Avoid cuts that are less than one inch thick, because they are very easy to overcook. Be extra careful about buying cuts in packs, as it is often hard to get a side view of the steaks to see the thickness.

3. Do not trim off the fat. It's ok to leave most of the fat on the steak's outside edge before cooking. This improves the flavour of the meat. Once the meat is cooked, trim off excess fat prior to serving.

4. On the shelf or behind the glass? Sometimes, they're the same. Sometimes, markets put higher-grades of meat in full-service glass case. Sometimes, it is the same meat as in plastic-wrapped packages placed on self-service shelves. One single difference is that you might have more cuts of meat to choose from in full-service cases. If you are not certain, ask an employee from the meat department about the difference, especially if the meat displayed in a case is more expensive compared to the steaks on the shelf.

If you are looking for fresh, high quality steaks, visit mcloughlinbutchers by following the given links: